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Sao Dou Ha Sao Dou Ha/EAST MALL

Taiwanese cafe, Taiwanese cuisine, tapioca drink

Sweets bean flower specialty store with a line that originated in Taiwan

A specialty store of the traditional sweets "Toufa", which can be lined up every day in Taiwan, has landed for the first time in Kansai! "Sao Dou Ha" is a long-established bean flower specialty store in Taiwan, following three generations of Liu parent and child. In addition, you can enjoy tea leaves directly imported from Taiwan and tapioca milk tea with a crispy texture, as well as Taiwan food such as beef noodles and roulo rice. There is also a counter dedicated to taking out tapioca drinks.


Business hours
Click here for the floor guide

Number of seats: 50 seats
Last order: Food / 21:00, Drink / 21:30
Reservation: Possible

Day/night/1,200 yen Takeout/550 yen



Taiwan-Summer Story

Enjoy the stimulation in the hot season 
A hot menu appears!
Please enjoy three kinds of spicy flavors.


Hormone Mapo series sold!

It was spicy, tasty and hot toroy hormone and Maba. Try your favorite combination of noodles, rice and beer.


The ancestor of noodles "Imen" (Emen) Landing in Japan

Imen is a traditional noodle called the "original of noodles" and is familiar to Taiwanese people and is popular as a daily food.


Sao Dou Ha Whity Umeda store Early summer Taiwan gastronomy time tour!

Limited-time products are available! I can go around Taiwan time!                           


A new menu of autumn and bean flowers full of strawberries appear.

We have prepared a small single pot where you can enjoy the taste of each person and a bean flower full of strawberries!


Summer Taiwan cool noodles "steamed chicken and lemon jelly noodle"

There are plenty of surprisingly moist and soft chicken breasts and homemade lemon jelly that are familiar with Taiwan's specialty "chicken rice". It's a refreshing summer cool noodle


Sao Dou Ha Whity Umeda store menu renewal! Taiwan gastronomy time tour!

From March 25, 2022, the menu at the Sao Dou Ha Whity Umeda store will be completely renewed!
It is a menu made with the desire to taste a lot of gastronomy from morning to evening in Taiwan!
Now that you can't go to Taiwan, please enjoy a Taiwan excursion in Umeda!                            


The tax-included price is the tax-included price based on the consumption tax rate at the time of posting on the website.
Prices are subject to change. For more information, please contact each store.